Priest/ess: Open the Circle.
Priest/ess: There is a child new
to, and within our Circle. Is the Mother who gave birth to this child present?
Mother: Yes.
Priest/ess: What is your name?
Priest/ess: Were any present a witness
to (Mother's name) giving birth to this child?
Witnesses: Yes.
Priest/ess: What are your names?
Witnesses: (Names given).
Priest/ess: (Mother's name) will
you give me the name of the child's father.
Mother: (Father's name).
Priest/ess: (Father's name) do you
acknowledge this?
Father: Yes.
Priest/ess: Does anyone present dispute
anything thus far stated? (Hopefully no response).
Priest/ess: (Father and Mother's
name) what name do you give this child?
Parent: (Child's name).
Priest/ess: Then, I give my blessing
to (child's name) in the presence of the Divine Lord and Lady, the Rulers of the Quadrants and those gathered together here
within this Circle; by fire, by water, by air and by earth, may The Old Ones keep and watch over you (child's name), may your
life be a good one and bring honor to you and your family. Amen.
All: So mote it be.
Priest/ess: Anyone who wishes to
bestow their own blessings upon (Child's name) may come forward and do so now. (Series of blessings and small symbollic tokens
Priest/ess: (Picks the child up and
gives it the Mother.) Teach (Child's name) well and may your family grow strong. Do you have anything you wish to say before
we close the Circle?
Parents: (Comments.)
Priest/ess: Close the Circle.