This rite should be done at a pace
which can best be described as languishingly. To rush or become upset because the unexpected occurs is to miss the whole point
of the experience.
Although in times past this rite
may have been done within view of others, I do not feel it is appropriate for people who have received the socialization of
our present culture. In time, this may change. This rite is the highest sacrament of the Craft and involves the attainment
of ecstasy, which may be missed if there is exhibitionism present which is aimed more to ego fulfillment. I believe the key
to the ecstatic experience is love in its purest and most potent form, of which nothing truly can be said and must be experienced
to be known.
You are the Goddess.
Your eyes send forth a silver light
that reaches deep and fills a void
within my breast.
You are the Goddess.
I burn this incense as tribute,
to your beauty, and pray you will
accept it,
as I pray you will accept my love.
You are the Goddess.
I offer you my bed,
which lies upon this bit of earth,
that you will make holy if you will
but lay upon it.
You are the Goddess.
I share this wine with you,
as I hope and pray
that we shall share each other.
You are the Goddess.
I anoint you with this oil,
which is as the fire that burns within
in longing for you.
You are the Goddess.
I kneel at your sacred altar
wherein lies the Cauldron of Regeneration,
upon which I place a kiss and offer
that I too may be regenerated.
You are the God.
Your eyes send forth a golden light
that reaches deep and fills a void
within my breast.
You are the God.
I burn this incense as tribute,
to your strength, and pray you will
accept it,
as I pray you will accept my love.
You are the God.
I offer you my bed,
which lies upon this bit of earth,
that you will make holy if you will
but lay upon it.
You are the God.
I share this wine with you,
as I hope and pray that we
shall share each other.
You are the God.
I anoint you with this oil,
which is as the fire that burns within
in longing for you.
You are the God.
I kneel before your sacred temple,
wherein lies the Pillar of Strength,
upon which I place a kiss and offer
that I too may be strengthened.