There are many reasons to shield.
When practicing the craft or even just exercising your psychic gifts you will come across those who will drain your energy
or unintentionally send out harmful energies.
Emotions are a powerful energy.
Anger and Fear are two of the most powerful emotions. That wave of negative energy projected out from a person can effect
or drain you.
Sickness.. When someone is
sick, they can unknowingly drain someone close to them. They don't intend on doing so. It just happens.
Magick attack. Well, this is
very rarely done. But it is also a possibility. When we shield ourselves properly, it protects us from others harming
via magick.
Exercise in Shielding
When someone surrounds themselves
in white light without grounding they run the mistake of doing what I call "Flaring the Aura" This is not a good thing.
Not only does it use your own energies to "power" the shield around you but makes for a bright target on the astral planes
for any nasties that are drawn to bright beings. If anything hits your shield you will be drained anyway in the reflection
of the attack because you used your own energies to power it. In other words.... not good at all!
1. Do the grounding exercise above.
2. After you have completed
the grounding exercise do not let go of the earth.
3. See yourself in a dark room.
4. Hold your hands out and
visualize a bright ball of energy drawn up from the earth. Do not discard it if you don't get white. Each person's
energy that they draw from the earth is different and resonates with them. Allow it to grow in your hands till it is
too heavy to hold. Let it drop and grow till it is big enough to walk into.
5. Walk into the energy.
Feel it surround you.
6. See it seal around you and
become an unbreakable sphere around you.
7. Come back to yourself refreshed.