Heathen's Master book of write Book 1


The History and Meaning of Celtic Design & Art
The witches candle
The witches familiar
Types Of Wicca
Color meanings
Who is the God
Who is the Goddess
The Rede of the Wiccae
The Art of Hypnotism, Self Hypnosis and Hypnotizing others
The Circles Of Light And Dark/Balance
The Descent of Inanna
Guidelines on witchcraft
How to remember your past lives
Hoe to see the spirit world
Magic by ecology
medicine and magic
Nine paths of union
Four week fast
Earth magic
Elemental couldron
Fith Fathing
Broom lore and superstition
Butterfly medicine
World religions
Woman of the woods
History on Witchcraft
Types of wicca
Invocations and summoning
Hexes and Curses
World Calendar
World Calendar 2
Deities from around the world 6
Dieties from around the world 2
Deities from around the world 3
Deities from around the world 4
Deities from around the world 5
Deities from around the world 1
Dream Magick
Candle magic
Binding and Banishing
Astral Projection
Altar Setup
Reivings, Banishings, And Wards:Practicalities
Song of the Goddess

Becareful what you ask for....

 Power Raising Chants



"We are the children of the night.

Gentle are we-yet feel our might."



"Singing, dancing, chanting low.

Power building...let it go!"



"Round and round this Esbat site;

Power build to work our rite."



"Brother and sister, togther we sing.

Directing the forces that our wills bring."



"We are the spokes of the might wheel;

This power we raise that all might feel."



"Deosil circle round about;

Building the power, let it go with a shout!"



A chant to be said while watching the sun set:


O Hail, fair sun,

Ruler of day.

Rise in the morn,

To light my way.


A chant to be said while gazing at the moon:


O Hail, fair moon,

Ruler of night.

Guard me and mine,

Until the light.




Uphold the rules of the Wiccan Rede.
Be high in spirit ye shall succeed.
Power of the Elements Five,
Will help Mother Nature stay alive.
From grains of Earth to the moving Air.
Past the burning Fire that magick flares.
Flow with Water, lakes, and streams;
Around the Spirit's aura and dreams.



A Gathering Chant

The night is upon us
The sky is clear
We call upon the Goddess
and She is near

Children of the Goddess gather
Weaving webs of magick
Dancing circles through time
Chanting to the quarters
Re-membering an earlier time

The year moves in a sacred wheel
As the Goddess teaches us to heal
We heal ourselves and each other
We heal the Earth

Children of the Goddess gather
Weaving webs of magick
Dancing circles through time
Chanting to the quarters
Re-membering an earlier time

Our spirits know the way
To celebrate each day
We heal ourselves and each other
We heal the Earth
Re-birthing a saner time

Children of the Goddess gather
Weaving webs of magick
Dancing circles through time
Chanting to the quarters


Acorn Protection Chant/Talisman

Acorns and pine cones abound in Yule time. The acorn especially is well suited for magicks of protection. Obtain an acorn or two (pine cones can substitute in a pinch, be sure though to alter the spell accordingly) and say:

"Acorn true, acorn seed

Hush and listen to my need:

Protection from all harm I ask

Fail me not in this task."

Bless Acorn and empower as per usual method; Carry acorn in pocket or purse.


The Urn of Fate: A Yule Divination

This tradition which I first learned about when I lived in Spain, apparently goes back to the Roman days.

In this method of divination, you are attempting to discover which 2 family members are fated to be closest in the coming year...sharing in all things together.

This form of divination is only performed with your family.

On slips of paper, write down all the names of family present. In a large urn or vase, place the paper slips. (this can be done at Yule/Solstice or Christmas festivities...but before the New Year.) The slips of paper are drawn out 2 at a time...select one person to this....Those 2 names that are pulled out together are the persons whom fate has deigned will be closely tied in their personal affairs for the coming year.

Of course in my family, usually there is a great deal of finagling over whose name gets pulled with whom. It is a fun game and it is based on a real method of ancient divination.





Air I Am

(Written by Andras Corban Arthen)


Air I am

Fire I am



and Spirit

I am



Air Moves Us


Air moves us, fire transforms us,

Water shapes us, Earth heals us,

And the balance of the wheel goes

’round and ’round.

And the balance of the wheel goes ’round.



--by Cathleen Shell, Cybele, Moonsea and Prune


Animal chant


Come to us: Eagle, Wolf, Bear and Cougar. 
Dance we now The Power dances. 

Eagle soaring above the peaks, 
Share with us freedom, majesty and fighting skills. 
Teach us lessons we need to learn. 
Dance with us The Power dances. 

Wolf, cunning tracker, by day or night. 
Share with us endurance, courage and adaptability. 
Teach us lessons we need to learn. 
Dance with us The Power dances. 

Bear, trampling along earthen paths, 
Share with us Mighty strength and sense of smell. 
Teach us lessons we need to learn. 
Dance with us The Power dances. 

Cougar, lonely tracker of terrains, 
Share with us Agility, 
stamina and endless curiosity. 
Teach us lessons we need to learn. 
Dance with us The Power dances. 

Movements slow 
Movements rapid. 
Frenzied swaying 
Upward, downward. 
Dipping, turning 
Round and round. 
Dance we now The Power dances. 

Dancing partners, 
You and I. 
With me, in me 
I am you, you are me. 
Together as one, 
Yet separate, too. 
Dance we now The Power dances. 

Awaken now All Spirit Beings, 
To dance the dances With your human kin. 
Dance the Cycles Of Life and Death, 
Hope and Fear, 
Good and Evil. 
Dance the Cycles, 
Now and Again. 
Journeying now and forevermore. 
Of Time and Space All is Once, 
There is none. 
Dance the dances Again and again. 

.......from R.M.P.J. 8/86 by Alernon




Are One

(author unknown)


We are one with our Mother.

We are one with the Earth,

We are one with each other

By our lives, by our birth,

We are one,

We are one,

We are one.


Besom Chant

(Lady Tamara)


Besom, besom long and lithe

Made from ash and willow withe

Tied with thongs of willow bark

In running stream at moon-set dark.

With a pentagram indighted

As the ritual fire is lighted;

Sweep ye circle, deosil,

Sweep out evil, sweep out ill,

Make the round of the ground

Where we do the Lady's will.

Besom, besom, Lady's broom

Sweep out darkness, sweep out doom

Rid ye Lady's hallowed ground

Of demons, imps and Hell's red hound;

Then set ye down on Her green earth

By running stream or Mistress' hearth,

'Till called once more on Sabbath night

To cleans once more the dancing site




Born of Water 

Born of Water, Cleansing, Powerful

Healing, Changing

We Are


--by Collaborative Women's Workshop


Borrowing from Nature


Thank you, blessed be

for allowing me

solace in thy garden

to gather thy flowers and seeds


Flora, my goddess of vibrant lusture

Circe shines her brightness to see

A purpose to harm not one

The spell is cast three times three


by Charles Murphy

In the cool of the evening, they used to gather, 'neath stars in the meadow, circled near an old oak tree.

At the times appointed by the seasons of the Earth, and the phases of the moon.
In the center of them stood a woman, equal with the others, and respected for her worth.
One of the many we call the Witches,
the teachers and the keepers of the wisdom of the Earth
The people grew through the knowledge she gave them,
herbs to heal their bodies,
spells to make their spirits whole.
Hear them chanting healing incantations, calling forth the Wise Ones, celebrating in dance and song.

Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna

There were those who came to power through domination,
and they bonded in the worship of a dead man on a cross.
They sought control of the common people by demanding allegiance to the church of Rome.
And the Pope declared the Inquisition, it was a war against the women whose power they feared.
In this Holocaust against the nature peoples, a million European women died.

And the tales are told of those who, by the hundreds, holding together, chose their deaths in the sea.
Chanting the praises of the Mother Goddess, a refusal of betrayal, women were dying to be free.

Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna

Now the Earth is a witch, and the men still burn her! Stripping her down with mining and the poisons of their wars.
While to us the Earth is a healer, a teacher, a mother.
She's the weaver of the web of life that keeps us all alive.

She gives us the vision to see through the chaos.
She gives us the courage, it is our will to survive!

Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna...



By the Earth

(This version is the one sung by Elaine Silver—
it is a variation on a very common closing ceremony for circles.)


By the earth that is her body

By the air that is her breath

By the fire that is her bright spirit

By the living waters of her womb


May the peace of the Goddess

Be forever in your heart

The circle is open but unbroken

Merry meet and merry part


By the earth that is her body

By the air that is her breath

By the fire that is her bright spirit

By the living waters of her womb


May the peace of the faeries

Be forever in your heart

The circle is open but unbroken

Merry meet and merry part






Now let us sing of Mother Night!

Come, thou whose circle is endless flight

She whose body from celestial stars is made, upon whose breast are souls are laid


Mystery, black as midnight's heaven far, yet brilliant as the silver star.

Thy realm is the void primordial skies, light and life in thy hand lies.


Dreams and soft ease attend thy train lead drifting sleep to Orphic strain.


Nikta, decked with starry light Rests deep silence, indwelling ebony night.


Goddess of phantoms, of shadow plays whose body divides the sun lit days.


She from whom all Gods and men were born


She we seek when the veil is torn...


Be present Goddess with mysteries abound let the dark's wisdom by mortals be found!




Chant for Calling the Elements

I call upon Earth, the power to make.
I call upon Air, the power to take.
I call upon Fire, the power to grow.
I call upon Water, the power to flow.
(Circling deosil, chant)
Green power and gold,
red power and blue,
Here the power we do unfold,
Quarters' might, strong and true.
Four the winds to weave the round,
'tween the worlds the power be bound.
Till we send it at the last,
Guardians keep it strong and fast.

--From Rhiannon Ryall's West Country Wicca



To the moon.
To the sun.
To the skies.
To the waters.
Stars, let your fire burn.
Winds let your strength grow.
Let us unite.
Let me shine bright.



Chant for Heightening Power

Air wheel, Air blow, turn the wheel of magic so.
Grind the power we send to you.

Fire bright, fire burn, make the mill of magic turn,
Work the power we send to you.

Water bubble, water flow, make the wheel of magic go,
Spin the power we end to you.

Earth ye be our kith and kin, make the mill of magic spin.
Send the power we send to you.

--From Rhiannon Ryall's West Country Wicca



Chant for Help

Divine Mother,
Mother Divine,
Show me the way,
Give me a sign



Chant to the Morrigan

Author Unknown



Dark Goddess,

fill me with your dark light

the power of the new moon.

Grant me rest;

empower me;

renew me!




CHANT 1 This is to be chanted several times to gain confidence.

Start Softly and Rise to a Crescendo...


CHANT 2 This is to be chanted several times to invoke energy.

Start Softly and Rise to a Crescendo...


CHANT 3 This is to be chanted several times whilst visualizing  or tending the
person or animal that needs healing.

Start Softly and Rise to a Crescendo...


SPELL 1 This is to be said whilst looking at the first star at night.
Now make your wish and wait to see the second star or your wish will not come true.


SPELL 2 To protect yourself from hostile forces.
Collect four fallen twigs, one each of Hazel, Elm, Oak and Willow.
Hold them in the flame of a candle whilst chanting five times.


Then spit on each twig and break them in small pieces.
Now Put them into a fire to be burned.


I humbly ask, with open heart, with open mind, my truth to find...

Bless me with the patience to, THiNK before I say or do
Bless me with the vision of light, that guides me on the path of right
Bless me with the gift of charm, that which will keep me, safe from harm
Bless me with the sight to see, the kind, a true friend of mine, will be
Bless me with the power of word, that my story will be good when heard
Bless me with the spirit to sing, with harmony my song, my cosmic ring
Bless me with the virtuous mind, to be humble, but proud, honest & kind
Bless me with the respect to be, to others as I wish for me

I Thank-you O'Powers of Earth, Moon, Sun & Stars
I Thank-you O'Elements of Earth, Water, Air, & Fire
To the Spirits of ALL that have past & Those yet to come
To the Gods & Goddesses, Ancient & Young
Thank-you for Hearing my song, my humble plea
I Bless You ALL Ways... Blessed Be




Now I lay me down to rest.
I pray that all the world be blest.
Lady Moon and Sister Star
Watch over me from afar.
Mother Earth is always there
And keeps me safe within her care.
The Lord of Dreams will dance and sing
And happy dreams will to me bring.
And when I wake to greet the day
Brother Sun will light my way.



Finding Lost Items


"Bound and Binding
Binding Bound
See the Sight
Hear the Sound
What was lost now is found
Bound and Binding
Binding Bound"

*Chant the above to find any item that you have misplaced.*




"Flowers bloom as black as night, Removing color from your sight;

Nightmarish vines block your way, Thorns reach out to catch their prey;

And by the pricking of your thumbs, Realize that their poison numbs;

From frightful blooms, rank odors seep, Bats and beasties fly and creep;

'Cross this evil land, ill winds blow, Despite the darkness, mushrooms glow;

All will rot and decompose, For something wicked this way grows..."





For the New Morning


For the new morning and it's light,
For the rest and shelter of the night,
For good health and food and love and friends,
For every gift the Goddess sends,
We thank thee. Blessed Be.

- Author Unknown




Four-Fold God Chant

Rover, Guardian, Hunter, Guide,
Wind and shield and bow and tide,
Help us shed what's false in pride,
Rover, Guardian, Hunter, Guide.


Four-Fold Goddess Chant

Maiden, Warrior, Mother, Crone,
Flower, sword-blade, ivy, bone,
Help us make ourselves our own,
Maiden, Warrior, Mother, Crone.



God Chants

We All Come from the Horned One
We all come from the horned one
And to him we shall return
Like a spark of fire
Rising to the heavens

Evening Chant to the God
Hail fair sun, Ruler of the day;
Rise on the morn, to light my way.

Hoof and Horn
Hoof and horn, hoof and horn, all that dies shall be reborn
Corn and grain corn and grain, all that falls shall rise again!


Goddess Chant


(Repeat over and over...)

Goddess Chants

New Moon Chant to Diana
Waxing, waxing, Growing, growing-
Diana's power is flowing, flowing.

Evening Chant to the Goddess
Hail fair moon, Ruler of the night;
Gaurd me and mine, until the light.

We All Come from the Goddess
We all come from the goddess
And to her we shall return
Like a drop of rain
Flowing to the ocean.

Ancient Mother
Ancient Mother, I hear you calling
Ancient Mother, I hear your song
Ancient Mother, I hear you laughter
Ancient Mother, I taste your tears.

She's Been Waiting
She's been waiting, waiting
She's been waiting so long
She's been waiting for her children to remember, to return.
Blessed be and blessed are the lovers of the lady.
Blessed be and blessed are the Maidens, Mothers, Crones.
Blessed be and blessed are the ones who stand together.
Blessed be and blessed are the ones who stand alone.
(repeat chorus)


Goddess Medley

Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate,

Demeter, Kali, Inanna.


We are an old people,

we are a new people,

we are the same people,

deeper than before.


I am a strong woman,

I am a story woman,

I am a healer,

my soul will never die.


Other versions of these chants exist independently and in some cases slightly

 changed or expanded.  This is just a nice medley putting three together.


Goddess of death,
you who are the end inherent in the beginning,
scythe to the ripe grain,
the falls of berries,
and the coming of the night.

You are called the Implacable One,
but we know you
as the most gracious Goddess.

end of sorrow,
relief of pain,
Receive our sister (brother)___,

May she/he become a star
in your night sky cauldron
and be brewed back to life.

God of grain. God of seed,
You who know the dark places underground,
the way down and the way up,
the fall and the rising,
guide our sister (brother)___,

Show her/him the long road
thorough the maze
to the place of rebirth,
to the place of return.


Great Spirit, Mother Earth, 

Powers of the four directions, 

my ancestors, 

And all those who love me, 

hear me now. 

This is a prayer of thanksgiving for the miracle of life. 

When I awake in the morning, Great Spirit, And I take a breath of morning air, I look toward the sky, searching the morning light For your face, 

And when I find it, a radiance comes to me, So beautiful and so blissful That I cannot put words to the gratefulness That is in my heart. 

There is much pain and confusion in this world, And oftentimes I lose my way, And I know not what to do. 

Then I sit in silence, and I listen To the high north wind in the pine trees, 

And you sing to me. 

I open my eyes and I look at the flowers And the miracle of beauty that they are. 

Again I see your face, And I wonder at my ignorance. 

So days go by, and I follow my path of heart, 

And I pray to you, Great Spirit, Grateful and strong from your grace. 

The four-leggeds and the winged ones Bring joy to my life, And I thank you for their presence all around me. Their purity of being reminds me of you, And I know that they are mirrors, Shiny and brilliant with your reflection. 

I know that much gives away so that I may live. The sacred give-away I receive and return, 

Ever grateful for your flowing power within me. 

Without you, I could not see the beauty That you have given us. 

I feel the sun on my face, and I know your warmth, 

And I know that somehow everything is perfect. 

I give thanks as I walk my path of beauty. 

For you I live all the days of my life. 



Hand to hand, the circle is cast

Hand to hand, the circle is cast
We turn the wheel, turn the wheel,
and the seasons pass.
We turn the wheel, turn the wheel,
and the moon, she rises,

I see the Goddess, the God in your eyes.
Nisa, Nisa, Nisa
Nisa, Nisa, Nisa
Nisa, Nisa, Nisa
Guy-way-oh, Guy-way-oh


Healing Chant

Deep in my Bone
the Goddess is alive
Deep in my cells and blood
the Life Force is strong
Deep in my heart and spirit
I believe I will heal

I feel the Goddess at my core
filling me with faith and health
Abundant Life Forces of the Universe
flow in me, and banish all disease

My blood, my bones, my cells and my body
are healing now, are healing now
The Goddess force is in me
and healing me now



Hecate, Cerridwen

Hecate, Cerridwen

Dark Mother take us in.

Hecate, Cerridwen

Let us be reborn.


--by Patricia Witt


Ho! Spirit

Ho! Spirit, Air Spirit,

Golden wings come dance with me.

Ho! Spirit, Fire Spirit,

Crimson passion burn in me.

Ho! Spirit, Water Spirit,

Tears and Oceans blend in me.

Ho! Spirit, Earth Spirit,

Stone and crystal steady me.

Ho! Spirit,

Ho! Spirit,

Ho! Spirit!


--by Chris Leja


"I am protected by your might,
Oh Gracious Goddess, day and night!"

2. "Thrice around the circle's bound,
Evil sink into the ground!"

3. "Like calmness after hurricane, gentle
breeze after rain, Goddess ease away my
fright and Guard all within my sight


I Am the Goddess

(Written by Spiral Rhythm, PJ Seale)


I am the Goddess.

My feet are rooted

Deep within the earth,

My head among the stars,

My crown the universe.

My arms are open wide

To hold eternity.

I am the tie that binds,

Encircling you and me.



Kore Chant

Fire and Air, Fire and Air.

Earth, Water, Earth, Water…


She changes everything She touches

And everything She touches changes




Each is repeated several times. 

This particular Kore chant is done by the group Libana. 

Other Kore chants exist.


Lady, Spin Your Circle Bright

Lady spin your circle bright,

weave your web of dark and light

Earth, Air, Fire and Water

Bind us as one.



Maiden, Mother, Crone

Blessed Be the Maiden
Blessed Be the Mother
Blessed Be the Crone
Three in One
Maiden cherish me
Mother cherish me
Crone cherish me
Three in One
Blessed Be the Maiden
Blessed Be the Mother
Blessed Be the Crone
Three in One



Maiden Goddess,Keep me whole,
Let thy beauty fill my soul.

Mother Goddess, Keep me whole,
Let thy power fill thy soul.

Mother Goddess, Keep me whole,
Let thy wisdom fill thy soul.


May the Circle Be Open


 May the Circle be open,

But unbroken.

May the peace of the Goddess

be ever in your heart.

Merry Meet,

And Merry Part,

And Merry Meet again.


(Alternate version):

May the Circle be open,

Yet unbroken.

May the love of the Goddess

be ever in your heart.

Merry Meet,

And Merry Part,

And Merry Meet again.



Merlyn's Chant


"I call today on the strength of Heaven
Light of Sun
Radiance of Moon
Splendor of Fire
Speed of Lightning
Swiftness of Wind
Depth of Sea
Stability of Earth
Firmness of Stone."

*Source; 21 Lessons of Merlyn by Douglas Monroe



Nine woods

in the Cauldron go, Burn them fast and burn them slow;

Birch in the fire goes, To represent what the Lady knows;

Oak gives the forest towers might, In the fire brings the God's insight;

Rowan is the tree of power, Causing life and magick to flower;

Willows at the waterside stand, To aid the journey to the Summerland;

Hawthorn is burned to purify, And draw faerie to your eye;

Hazel, the tree of wisdom and learning, Adds its strength to the bright fire burning;

White are the flowers of Apple tree, That brings us fruits of fertility;

Grapes that grow upon the vine, Giving us both joy and wine;

Fir does mark the evergreen, To represent immortality seen;

Elder is the Lady's tree, Burn it not or cursed you'll be!



Opening/Closing Circle

Earth Site
Earth site
Witch's rite
Merry meet
In joy tonight!

Sacred ground,
Newly bound.
Witness to
The power found!

Merry Meet, Merry Part
May the circle be open
But never broken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in your heart
Merry Meet
And Merry Part
And Merry Meet again.



By Dveca

I take the power in my hands
From air and fire, water and land
Power of the angels and divinity
Moves ands pulsates, the energy in me
I build, I birth, I bring form,
I raise with might and energy storm.
I shape I build the ultimate power
From me blooms a perfect flower
Of strength
Of healing
I reign....

Old Witchcraft Chant used in "The Craft"

Now is the time,
now is the hour,
I am the magick,
I am the power.



Power Raising Chants

We are the children of the night,
Gentle are we-yet feel our might.

Singing, dancing, chanting low.
Power building...let it go!

Round and round this Esbat site;
Power build to work our rite.

Brother and sister, together we sing.
Directing the forces that our wills bring.

We are the spokes of the mighty wheel;
This power we raise that all might feel.

Deosil circle round about;
Building the power, let it go with a shout!



Protection chant for out-door spells:

Before attempting spells at night, out-doors, take up
A blessed object (wand for instance) and draw a
Pentagram in the air. Imagine the pentagram glowing
and the evil around being trapped inside until after
your spells, chant:
Hail fair moon
Ruler of the night;
Guard me and mine
Until the light
Questions about this spell?




Protective Chant
(while chanting, visualize a triple purple circle around you)
I am protected by your might,
O gracious goddess, day and night.

Take the Old (a banishing chant)
Take the old and burn it,
Burn it let it go.
Fire starts within our hearts
And gives us room to grow.



Rise with the Fire


And we can rise with the fire of freedom.

Truth is the fire that burns our chains.

And we can stop the fire of destruction.

healing is the fire running through our veins



Rite of Pan

The glade in the wood is alive with the scent
Of mosses and bracken and briar;
But through it all like a thread of mystic silk
Is the scent from the cauldron fire.
Candles glow round the Circle's edge,
On censer and cords and knife;
As thirteen meet hand in hand,
In celebration of all life.
They dance their dance in mystic moves,
As only they know how,
And through them runs
The power that proves,
That right in the here and now;
The Old Way is the right Way,
Has been since the dawn of man,
And so beneath the Moon's soft ray,
They rejoice in the Great God Pan.

--From Rhiannon Ryall's West Country Wicca



River Chant"


The river flowing

Flowing and growing

The river is flowing

Back to the sea

Mother Earth carry

Your child I will always be

Mother Earth carry me back to the sea



Say when Scared

The Lords of light be with me,
Remove the darkness from me,
Be the strength within me,
And all their wisdom guide me.



Self Esteem

By dark of moon
I recall my past
And so hurt pain and sorrow I cast
Into the void and dark abyss
That my heart and soul be restored to bliss
And there to stay forever more
By the power of the ancient lore
I cleanse my heart, renew my soul,
By the power of the craft of olde.


Spell reversal-
" Spell, spell, spell be gone.
Back to which ye belong.
Back to the caster, take your disaster.
By the law of three, So Mote It Be



Spirit Of The Wind


Spirit of the Wind
Carry me home to myself


Spirit of the Ocean
Depth of emotion


Spirit of the Sea
Set my soul free


Spirit of the Rain
Wash away the pain


 Spirit of the Storm
Help me be reborn


Spirit of the Sun
Warm light healing one


Spirit of the Sky
Spread my winds and fly


Spirit of the Earth
Help me with my birth


 Spirit of the Land
Hold me in your hand


Spirit of the Shore
Shows me more and more


Author Unknown



Sun King

(by Raven Moonshadow)


O tell me why, o tell me why,

Tell me why must the clouds come

To darken the sky.

O tell me why, o tell me why,

Tell me why must the clouds come

to darken the sky.


This is the wake of Lugh the Sun King

He lost his life on the Solstice day;

This is the wake of Lugh the Sun King

He steps into the dark and guides the way.


. Gather 3 of you together
2. Call the Quarters (Whichever you Prefer)
3. Give Honor to the Goddes, Queen of Heaven and Earth.

"We give honor and thanks to the Great Mother Goddess,
Creatress of all life,
sustainer of the univeres,
protector of th innocent,
originator of all love.

Mother, Queen of Heaven and Earth,
Goddess of laughter and mirth,
Hear your daughters'/Sons' voice three
and bind us with love and unity.

So Mote It Be!


The Blessing Chant

May the powers of The One,
the source of all creation;
all-pervasive, omnipotent, eternal;
may the Goddess,
the Lady of the Moon;
and the God,
Horned Hunter of the Sun;
may the powers of the Spirits of the Stones,
rulers of the elemental realms;
may the powers of the stars above and the Earth below,
bless this place, and this time, and all who are with you.

~ Author Unknown ~




~The Burning Times~


In the cool of the evening, they used to gather, 'neath stars in the meadow, circled near an old oak tree.
At the times appointed by the seasons of the Earth, and the phases of the moon.
In the center of them stood a woman, equal with the others, and respected for her worth.
One of the many we call the Witches, the teachers and the keepers of the wisdom of the Earth
The people grew through the knowledge she gave them, herbs to heal their bodies, spells to make their spirits whole.
Hear them chanting healing incantations, calling forth the Wise Ones, celebrating in dance and song

Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna

There were those who came to power through domination, and they bonded in the worship of a dead man on a cross.
They sought control of the common people by demanding allegiance to the church of Rome.
And the Pope declared the Inquisition, it was a war against the women whose power they feared.
In this Holocaust against the nature peoples, a million European women died.
And the tales are told of those who, by the hundreds, holding together, chose their deaths in the sea.
Chanting the praises of the Mother Goddess, a refusal of betrayal, women were dying to be free.

Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna

Now the Earth is a witch, and the men still burn her! Stripping her down with mining and the poisons of their wars.
While to us the Earth is a healer, a teacher, a mother.
She's the weaver of the web of life that keeps us all alive.
She gives us the vision to see through the chaos.
She gives us the courage, it is our will to survive!

Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter


The Goddess Within
(A Triple Goddess Chant)

O Goddess of the Waxing Moon
I sing to Thee the sacred
love song of Aphrodite.
Cast a passion-spell upon my heart
and bless me with your beauty,
grace and good fortune...
for enchanting is the Maiden.
O Goddess of the Full Moon
I sing to Thee the sacred
earth-song of Isis:
symbol of Divine Motherhood
and Lady of the Mysteries.
Bless me with your fertility,
devotion and healing ways...
for magickal is the Mother.
O Goddess of the Dark Moon
I sing to Thee the sacred
shadow-song of Hecate.
Cast your moon-spell upon my soul
and bless me with your darkness,
your magick, and your wisdom...
for bewitching is the Crone.



The Seven Sacred Prayers

O Great Spirit, who art before all else and who dwells in every object, in every person and in every place, we cry unto Thee. We summon Thee from the far places into our present awareness.

O Great Spirit of the North, who gives wings to the waters of the air and rolls the thick snowstorm before Thee, Who covers the Earth with a sparkling crystal carpet above whose deep tranquillity every sound is beautiful. Tempe r us with strength to withstand the biting blizzards, yet make us thankful for the beauty which follows and lies deep over the warm Earth in its wake.

O Great Spirit of the East, the land of the rising Sun, Who holds in Your right hand the years of our lives and in Your left the opportunities of each day. Brace us that we may not neglect our gifts nor lose in laziness the hopes of each day and the hopes of each year.

O Great Spirit of the South, whose warm breath of compassion melts the ice that gathers round our hearts, whose fragrance speaks of distant springs and summer days, dissolve our fears, melt our hatreds, kindle our love into flames of true and living realities. Teach us that he who is truly strong is also kind, he who is wise tempers justice with mercy, he who is truly brave matches courage with compassion.

O Great Spirit of the West, the land of the setting Sun, with Your soaring mountains and free, wide rolling prairies, bless us with knowledge of the peace which follows purity of striving and the freedom which follows like a flowing robe in the winds of a well-disciplined life. Teach us that the end is better than the beginning and that the setting sun glorifies not in vain.

O Great Spirit of the heavens, in the day's infinite blue and amid the countless stars of the night season,remind us that you are vast, that you are beautiful and majestic beyond all of our knowing or telling, but also that you are no further from us than the tilting upwards of our heads and the raising of our eyes.

O Great Spirit of Mother Earth beneath our feet, Master of metals, Germinator of seeds and the Storer of the Earth's unreckoned resources, help us to give thanks unceasingly for Your present bounty.

O Great Spirit of our souls, burning in our heart's yearning and in our innermost aspirations, speak to us now and always so that we may be aware of the greatness and goodness of Your gift of life and be worthy of this priceless privilege of living.



The Witch Alone

Beyond the town, beneath the Moon, Beside the standing stone, There lives a woman, fair of faith We call the Witch Alone.

She sings to Sun and Moon and Stars And gathers herbs and weeds, with which she fashions ancient charms and other magic deeds.

She worships not by altars built By hands of mortal men, But in the misty, magic glade Beyond the furthest glen.

What need has she of flashing swords, Of crystals glowing bright, Of censers and of colored cords That grace the Wiccan rite? Her tools are fashioned from the earth, And wind and fire and rain: Her rites are dances, wild and free That call the Gods amain.

When spring and summer pass to fall, And twilight fills her eyes, She'll lie upon the browning grass And smile as she dies.

For though she leaves her mortal shell Of flesh and blood and bone, She knows she does not die, but lives on

As The Witch Alone





By Dveca

I take the power in my hands
From air and fire, water and land
Power of the angels and divinity
Moves ands pulsates, the energy in me
I build, I birth, I bring form,
I raise with might and energy storm.
I shape I build the ultimate power
From me blooms a perfect flower
Of strength
Of healing
I reign....

Old Witchcraft Chant used in "The Craft"

Now is the time,
now is the hour,
I am the magick,
I am the power.

The Old Ones

" To the Old Ones, Merry Meet and Merry Part and Merry Meet Again." Take a drink of your wine with the words: Flags, Flax, Fodder and Fig This is an old blessing which means: Shelter, Clothes, Food, Love. The 4 F's. And if you follow the God and Goddess, you will find that you always have enough to make your way in life. As the saying goes: The Old Ones Never Let You Starve. Lift up the Athame to the East draw the Banishing Pentagram with these words. Ye guardians of the East; I thank Ye for Attending; Hail and Farewell !!!

\/\/\/\/ We Are Witches All \/\/\/\/

We sing and dance and hold our rites, We live and love together. We go sky-clad or wear our outer robes If it is chilling weather. About the altar we do dance; We praise The Gods We love and ever do, we give Our thanks to the sun. And moon above, We are The Craft; Love The Craft; We are Witches All. Join us.. In Our Circle For We Are Witches All. Walk into our Circle and feel the love Bound, And Meet The Lord and Lady who guide us in our Rounds; " An' Harm None, Do What Thou Wilt." It is The Wiccan Rede. We fear no foe for love we show, In thought and also Deed. Our words of thanks, our songs of praise, We offer them in pray'r. We sing their praise, we ask their help; We know that they are there.



Triple Goddess Chant

Honored maiden huntress, Artemis, Artemis,

New Moon, come to us.

Silver shining wheel of radiance, radiance,

Mother, come to us.

Honored queen of wisdom, Hecate, Hecate,

Old One, come to us.


Note: There are many variations on this, but this is the one on the CD,

sung by Moving Breath.  Some more consistent variations:


Honored maiden huntress, Artemis, Artemis,

Maiden, come to us.

Silver shining wheel of radiance, radiance,

Mother, come to us.

Ancient queen of wisdom, Hecate, Hecate,

Old One, come to us.


Holy maiden huntress, Artemis, Artemis,

New Moon, come to us.

Silver shining wheel of radiance, radiance,

Full Moon, come to us.

Ancient queen of wisdom, Hecate, Hecate,

Dark Moon, come to us.


Some variations also add a line about the God such as “Holy shining sunlight,

 radiant, radiant, Brother, come to us” or changing the names of the

Goddesses (or naming two, such as Hecate, Cerridwen on the last verse).





"Unmoving doors..By my magic powers... Open yourselves to me.. UNLOCK!"



We All Come From The Goddess/Hoof And Horn

We all come from the Goddess: And to her we shall return
Like a drop of rain: Flowing to the ocean

We all come from the Horned One: And to him we shall return
Like a flash of light: Shining from a fiery storm

Hoof and horn, hoof and horn: All that dies shall be reborn
Corn and grain, corn and grain: All that falls shall rise again

Some additional lyrics (source unkown):
Sage and Crone, Sage and Crone: Wisdom's gift shall be our own
Crone and Sage, Crone and Sage: Wisdom is the gift of age

We All Come From the Goddess by Z. Buddapest ©1971.
Hoof and Horn by Ian Corrigan ©1997(lyrics


Water Chant

The waters are flowing, flowing, flowing
The waters are flowing
Waters of life

By Cricket, written July 4th, 2004


Walk With Wisdom

(author unknown)


Walk with wisdom, from the hallowed place

Walk not in sorrow, our roots shall ere embrace

May truth be your brother,

And honor be your friend,

And luck be your lover, until we meet again.


Water and Stone

Solid as a rock, Safe within the harbor

Ancient as a stone, and strong as the sea.

Solid as a rock, set deep within the Mother

And water that flows 'round me.


by Raven Moonshadow


We Are A Circle Moving

We are a circle moving: One with another we are
Moving together: We are one
We are a circle moving: One with another we are
Moving together: We are one
I am spirit and I flow in you: You are spirit and you flow in me

By Marae Price, ©1996


We Are Alive

We are alive

as the Earth is alive,

We have the power to fight for our freedom.

If we have courage, we can be healers,

Like the sun we shall rise.

If we have courage, we can be healers,

Like the sun we shall rise.


(Alternate—last line can be altered to be “Like the moon we shall rise.”)


We Are the Flow

We are the flow

And we are the ebb

We are the weavers

We are the web

Woven Ones

(Author Unknown)


We Are The Weavers, We Are The Woven Ones

We Are The Dreamers, We Are The Dream

We Are Traveling In A Circle

A Circle Of The Wheel


You Who Are The Circle

You who are the circle and You who are healing me
I who am the circle and I who am healing you
You are my people (Unite my people), be as one, be as one
You are my people (Unite my people), be as one, be as one


Where instinct is wiser...