A Blessing
I will serve the Great Goddess
And give reverance to the Great
I am a Pagan
A stone in the ancient circle
Standing Firmly
Ballanced on Earth
Yet open to the winds of heaven
And enduring through time
May the old Gods witness my
Blessed Be
~~Silver Ravenwolf~~
A home blessing
meditation for charging a room:
Sit Straight with palms on lap, take
deep breaths, relax, and move into a mental space where you activate your intuitive senses,
Imagine a cord of energy from your
spine connecting you to the Earth, and channel energy from the Earth through it,
Silently ask for divine protection,
guidance, and blessing,
Direct your psychic sensing outward,
and feel lines of force coming out of your aura,
Note where the strongest energy is
(check out the floor,ceiling, directions, etc), Note spots that feel empty or dead, note places that feel full alive, focus
on where you are sitting and how you feel at that particular spot,
Imagine a sphere of light and love
energy at your heart, feel it pulsing outward with every breath.
Feel the radiance increase with every
breath, feel your self as a star, continue to breathe deeply and send out the energy, letting it pulsate in the room,
When ready, start making power sounds
representing the love and light you are channeling; use it to amplify the light you are weaving; and fill the room with the
Then shift focus to sending a probe
out into the room, and note the differences in the quality of energy and how you feel about it,
Repeat if necessary,
When done, feel the completeness
of the work
A room blessing
involving elemental quarter invocations:
Face each direction (with arms out
in appropriate elemental invoking gesture), and say, while channeling and visualizing elemental power:
Powers of (say direction),
Powers of (say corresponding element), We great you, we honor you, we welcome you here! Watch over
and bless and protect this place.
After each invocation, shape the
energy into columns of light by sweeping ones arms together until they are parallel and sweeping them up and down while channeling
and shaping the energy,
When the energy is properly shaped,
So mote it be!
After you have done all four quarters,
channel in spirit energy.
To return
the energy to a more mellow state while energizing yourself, put your hands out and take in a bit of the energy into your
self from each direction, going widdershins, hold hands to your heart and take in the energy (techniques also exist for bringing
it into a stone and retrieving it when needed).
This spell can be used on the Full Moon, to bless the Holy Water you have
made You can then save it and use to bless candles etc. You will need ; A bowl, jar or cup filled with the Holy
Water made see previous post Put a compact mirror or small miror in the Bowl so the moonlight glints off it with the
silvery light of the Goddess Say: " Oh Great Ones , My Goddess and my God , I call upon you, In need of your help, Bless
this water, (Hold up small bowl of water.) Bless this water, With you power, With you purification, With you
healing powers, Bless this water, Put bowl down. You have made Full Moon blessed water, and you can now use the water
for power, purification and healing. Then say, With the water you so blessed, May this harm none, The spell is
done, So mote it be and blessed be ." **The water is charged in the light of the full moon overnight**
Blessing Of The Three
The Sacred Three My
fortress be Encircling me, Come and be round My hearth, my home.
Fend Thou my kin And every sleeping thing
within From scathe, from sin. Thy care our peace Through mid of night To light's release
" Oh Great Ones, My Goddess and
my God, I call upon you, In need of your help, Bless this water, (Hold up small bowl of water.) Bless this water,
With you power, With you purification, With you healing powers, Bless this water (put bowl down, and now use the water
for power, purification and healing) With the water you so blessed, May this harm none, The spell is done, So mote
it be and blessed be ."
Child Naming
The Sacred Hearth
Living a magical
A baby naming ceremony is, in many
cultures, traditionally done when the baby is about a year old, though many people prefer to do it as soon as possible after
the child’s birth. The reason for the year wait is simply because, until recently, most babies didn’t make it
through their first year. If they did, they had a pretty good chance of making it to adulthood. This is not to say that the
baby wouldn’t have a name before it was a year old, of course it would. A naming ceremony is the child’s official
introduction into the family, clan or church. It is much like the baptism ceremonies performed by Christian churches and serves
much the same purpose.
Naming Ceremony
Tools- Saltwater, Olive Oil
Decorations- Flowers, eggs, birds,
Robe- Pink, blue, pastels
Acolyte (lighting candle on altar)
“We come together today to
celebrate new life. Let this candle represent the spark of life within us all.”
“I welcome all those present
to welcome into our midst a new life. This life has been passed into the care of name and name who have now come before us
to present this life into the care of the community. For though their ancestors have gifted them with the duty of caring and
providing for this new life, it is the duty of the entire community to support them in their efforts.
We perform this ritual today as our
it was performed by our ancestors to welcome into our midst a new member of our clan. Today we will bestow upon the child
of name and name his/her own name, so that he/she may face the world a unique individual and all of those who meet him/her
will know that he/she is someone to be honored and respected. For there is power in a name. Without a name we are nothing
more than a part of something else. With a name, we our ourselves.
Come, mother, and present your child
before your people.”
Mother comes forward carrying child.
Father may come with her.
Priest(ess) takes up bowl of salt
“The sea is the womb of all
life. From the sea did all living things emerge. With this water do I bless thee, mother, and thee father and the new
life which you have created together.”
“Here is the mother, from whose
body this new life has come forth. Let us honor her. It is right that she who brought forth life should name it. What name
do you give this child?”
Mother speaks the name of child.
(may whisper it)
Priest(ess) (to father)
“Is this name acceptable to
you, father, without whom the mother would only be a promise of future potential and not the font of life that stands before
Father agrees.
Priest(ess) (to child, annoint with
salt water, may whisper in the child’s ear)
“I do bless the, child who
is named name with this water, that you may never forget where you came from.”
Priest(ess) (parents)
“Do you name and you name promise
to love, respect and care for this child for the entirety of your life?> Do you promise to nurture him/her and be
there for him/her in hard times and in joy, remembering that you will face sacrifice and self-denial for his/her sake many
times before your final rest?”
Parents agree
“The duty of child rearing
is a sacred and difficult one. It is not easy and even less so when faced alone. Who will stand beside these parents and support
them in their effort?”
Godparents/Grandparents step forward.
May your commitment and dedication
to this child enrich and ignoble your lives.
Priet(ess) (to child annointing with
olive oil)
“Before those who love you,
before your parents, your family, your friends and your community, before you ancestors, before the Gods and before all of
Nature I do declare your name to be name granted by your mother, and approved by your father. May this name serve you
well. May the name name be spoken with honor. May the name name inspire people to great things. May the name name become synonymous
with virtue and strength.”
Priest(ess) (to gathering)
“People, I present to you name.
You are charged with assisting his/her parents and guardians to protect her/him. Welcome her/him today, and in the future
offer her/him your kindness, generosity and hospitality. Some of you he/she will call teacher. Some friend. Some protector.
May you all earn your roles well. Come forward one and all and give name your blessings and greetings.”
Now the mother and father stand by
the altar with the baby and the group processes by offering greetings, well-wishes and gifts.
This is a bare-bones, generic
spell. Use when the energies in your home or in a particular room start feeling "off" or negative. This spell can
be tweaked to suit your particular method of working or use as is. You will need: Small cauldron or other fire-proof bowl
for burning herbs - one that you are able to carry. Your favorite protection oil Clearing herbs such as sage, cedar, rosemary,
etc. Charcoal tablet (a half tablet would suffice) Matches Trace the pentagram starting from the top point - in this
spell you are invoking Spirit. Meditate before you begin - make sure you're in the right state of mind to proceed. An
Alpha state is the best. The Spell: Light charcoal in bowl/cauldron and when burning, drop a pinch or two of your clearing
herbs into the cauldron. Take a minute to take in the energy of the herbs. Carry the vessel around the room - paying
special attention to corners, closets, and places negative energy seems to linger. Project a clear, clean, white light
with your mind and say: "By my will I banish all darkness and let in the light." (repeat around the room) When you've
thoroughly cleansed the room, return to the center and put down your cauldron. Take up the oil and go to the North. Trace
a pentagram on the wall (window sill, door frame, etc.) Say: From the North I call to Thee. Blessings of the Spirit Be
upon this place. Go to the East and say: From the East I call to Thee. Blessings of the Spirit Be upon this place. Continue
to the South and West, changing the blessing accordingly. When complete, return to the center of the room and place more
herbs on the charcoal. Stand still a bit and feel the energy of the room/space. Again, project white light outward,
mentally filling all the nooks and crannies. When the energy feels right to you say: This room is sealed Protected from
harm. Light replaces darkness As I will, so mote it be. Note: This spell can obviously be expanded for an entire house. Just
begin in the center of the house instead of the center of the room. If you are uncomfortable calling on "Spirit" for protection,
you can substitute the name of your Deity.
Sun-Blessed Moon Water Spell
2002 Spell-A-Day 2002-08-08
Leo is ruled by the Sun, and so this New Moon protects, revitalizes, inspires,
and renews all that it touches. To tap into the combined power of Sun and Moon, fill a glass bowl with distilled water. Place
it in direct sunlight, extending the fore and middle fingers of your right hand, and make the sign of the equal-armed cross
over the water. This is a symbol of the powers of the four directions. Wait one hour, then make the sign over the water again.
Wait another hour, and repeat. The water will have received the Sun’s energy for a total of three hours. It is now thrice
blessed! Use it to purify you, your house, or anything in your possession that may be contaminated with negative energy.
The Fivefold
Begin by asking the Goddess for a
blessing, the Priest/ess performing the blessing should kiss each of the below mentioned body parts.
Note: there is no need to kneel before
the divine, we are each the divine, everything is the divine. The Goddess and the God made us to stand upright..
Blessed be thy feet, that bring thee
on thee path. Blessed be thy knees, that kneel to the Lord and Lady. Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not
be. Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty and in strength Blessed be thy lips, that utter the sacred names.
The Lady's Prayer
Our mother
Who art amongst us,
Hallowed is Thy Presence.
Our realm is here,
We sense Thee near,
On Earth,
Which is our living Heaven.
Teach us this day to bake our bread,
And accept us in our human-ness,
As we accept each other,
In spite of our limitations.
Lead us not into domination,
But empower us to freedom.
For ours in this Air,
This Fire,
This Water,
This Earth,
Forever and Ever.
Blessed Be
Dove's Wiccan Haven
The mechanism of a blessing
Think of a white light so powerful
that it encompasses your mind, body, and spirit.
Move the white light into a mental
picture of the person, place, or thing.
In your mind, allow the white light
to burst through the object (no, this won't hurt anyone).
Intone words of blessing or touch
the person, animal, or thing.
Seal the blessing with a hand motion
of your choice while pronouncing aloud "It is done."
©2003 Silver RavenWolf
Solitary Witch
The Ultimate Book of Shadows
for the New Generation
The Sevenfold Blessing
The Sevenfold Blessing is to be performed before the Goddess and the God after
asking for a blessing. It can be performed alone or by another.
Blessed be my feet, that take me on my path. Blessed be my knees, that support
me before the Divine. Blessed be my abdomen, that holds my heart true to them. Blessed be my breast, that holds my heart
true to them. Blessed be my lips that utter the secret names. Blessed be my eyes, that see the beauty of Their love. Blessed
be my mind, that seeks Their knowledge and wisdom.
Trisklean rite
of tea
The purpose of this working is to pay homage to the Gods and to reflect on Their blessings upon this your life.
Herb(s) for tea
Container for herb(s)
Cup(s) and Tea Pot
Decanter of Pure Spring Water
Brewing dish with candle
Scrying Candle
Prepare By:
Placing a small table or platform in the center of your working space and arranging the Brewing dish, herbs, cup(s), Tea Pot
and spoon on the table. Also place the cauldron with scrying candle within for use during the meditation. (Use the diagram,
which follows, as a guide for arranging of the tools.) Prior to casting the Circle, light
candle and fill the Brewing dish with Spring Water from a decanter. Keep the Brewing Dish covered during the Casting, as I
have found this helps the water to heat faster and hotter.
With the tip of your Athame touching the Herbs, intone this blessing: Thou has grown by favor of the Sun, The Moon,
and of the dew.
I make this intercession, ye herb:
I beseech thee to be of benefit to me and my rite, For thy virtues are unfailing. Thou art the Dew
of all the Gods, The Eye of the Sun, The Light of the Moon, The Beauty and Glory of the Sky,
The Mystery of Terra. I purify thee so that Whatever is wrought by me with thee may, In all its powers,
Have a good and speedy effect with good success. Be purified by my prayer and be powerful! So mote it
water is hot enough, place the herbs in the Tea Pot and add water from the brewing dish, give it a couple of stirs. While
the tea is steeping, intone this Prayer:
Earth Mother Giver of life
Strengthen me during my life-long strife. Teach me Your ways of perfect love, Peace, and wisdom true.
Spawn from my purest heart These words to You May this prayer help me to better Myself in
word and deed, To a higher plane I shall succeed. Beautiful Light of Goodness Fair Lore of old
we both do share A Witch's brew, I drink to You My love for You, by day, by night In thought
and in sight Will my soul learn The meaning of this life again.
Pour out
a cup for all present, including one for the Gods, and enjoy. Sit before the table and meditate on the blessings that the
Gods have bestowed upon your life. You may use the scrying candle here to focus upon for your meditation. If the Gods so choose
They may give you a Message or Vision through the blessings of the Sight. You may relax now and finish off the pot.
(Note: this rite is not to take the
place of The Feast, but is to be used as a time of blessing and communing with the Goddess
SPELL FOR BLESSING Get a white candle -- either a plain one (offertory, pillar, or taper) or a figural one in the
gender of the person you want to bless. Carve the person's full name on the candle, then dress it with Blessing Oil
or Holy Oil. For more power, you may place a name-paper of the person, or a photo, or some personal item of theirs (such
as a bit of hair or a snippet of clothing) either under the candle or next to it. One easy way to do this is to place
the paper or personal concerns under an overturned saucer and put the candle on top of the saucer. Burn a portion
of the candle every day for seven days, pinching it out between burnings. As you light it each day, say this [Name],
may you be blessed May all good things come to you May nothing whatsoever harm you May your heart be light May
your travels be safe May your health be good May your mind be sound May your friendships sustain you May you be
blessed in every way * If you have a special request for this person (such as that they find a lover, get a good job,
come home safely from a war, or whatever), just add it to the list. Some people use a large pillar-type candle and keep
it going for longer than seven days. They may make a habit of burning such a candle every day -- or once a week, on Sundays
-- for as long as their friend or relative needs help, even doing so for months at a time. If the candle is large
and it is to be burned in this way, it should be re-dressed with Blessing Oil or Holy Oil once a week: after the initial
dressing, you can drop a tiny bit of oil into the "well" or hole in such a large candle just before lighting it each time.