Reivings, Banishings, And Wards:
There are lots of unwanted and random
energies and entities floating around one's environment. The following techiques are required understandings for any Witch.
You will need to keep you own environment clear of these unwanted wraiths, and you may also, over time, be called on by others
to clear these things from their houses or their lives.
Nothing ever goes away, you must
understand. Things that are made of matter are not made only of matter, and can just as easily be energetic. Matter does not
imply intelligence, soul does (and that's a rather ineffable concept). So why is it considered that inteligence inhabits only
things of a material nature ( like biological species)?
Entities can be either material or
nonmaterial. They can be left over from extreme emotional discharges. They can be other and therfore, not of a recognizable
Reiving (Clearing A Place)
To psychically clear unwanted entities
is also called Reiving. Banishing often accompanies Reiving, but Reiving can also be performed to tranquilize a house or an
environment that has been cluttered y previous occupants.
You will require a container of consecrated
water, your athame, incense, and censer, a candle for each room, and a vacuum cleaner. It's often preferable to work with
another person, but not strictly necessary. You are better to get rid of any occupants of the property. You are to work privately
whenever possible. The energies of Cowans can be unpredictable.
Every psychic knows that accumulated
psychic grunge is heavier than air and will fall to the floor (and sometimes stick to windows). So the first thing that you
should do is vacuum the floors with intent. A vacuum cleaner is one's contemporary besom (broom stick), and much quicker than
the manual tool; There's no point having the house occupants do it, it just never feels as clean. Then you should set up a
candle in each room, light it, and close off whatever doors there are. Then get the charcoal burning, and then take a shower
with intent of purificaton.
Each room, from one end of the house
to the other, is to be lightly encircled with your dagger ( these encirclements are meant to be embracing rather than encapsulating),
encircled with the smoke of the incense, and encircled with the consecrated water. With each circumnambulation, you will raise
aloft each implement to the four directions, calling on their powers of protection and harmony. As you exit each room, you
will extinguish the candle with your fingers ( don't blow it out), and leave the door open.
When you are done, you are to pack
up all your things and leave without entering into conversation with anyone.
Banishng (Getting Rid Of A Thing)
The occupants of the place you are
to banish are to understand beforehand that they are not to engage in any form of dispute in the place, or to sully it with
resentful or bitter emotions for the cycle of one Moon after your work. More often than not, their behavior would have been
empathetic with whatever entity was causing them discomfort. Things are attracted to strong blasts of emotion as much as they
are attracted to psychic activity. You need to be aware of this phenomenon in association with all your Magickal practices,
but especially where protections and enchantments are concerned.
Your Banishing is irrespective. It
matters not whether the entity is a living person or an energetic agent. Banishing is about getting rid of, but "getting rid
of" requires full Reiving of a property and encirclement of its boundries, as well as the correct placing of pentagramic seals.
You must attend to two priorities
before you go near the place! First, you will seal off all orifices, psychic and actual, of your own body. A man has twelve,
a woman has thirteen. For both: eyes, nostrils, ears, mouth, nipples, umbilicus, anus (eleven). For a man: penis (twelve).
For a woman: vagina and urethra (thirteen). Secondly, you will take with you your boline, just in case you encounter the need
for self-defense.
You will work the same process as
Reiving, but you will seal each portal of the house with a Banishing pentagram of Earth. You will keep the intent of Banishing
clearly in focus at all times (words or no words).
You will work from a central point
in the house to the outer most part of the property. You will conclude by encircling the entire property and laying seals
on the ground at all entrances and exits.
Warding (Keeping A Thing Out)
Warding is keeping out unwanted influences.
This is trickier than the previous
two techniques because you'll require certain powers to assist you. You would not do any of thes techniques as a beginner,
anyway, so you'll have had pleny of time to accumulate the requirements of Warding. They are certain talismans that you'll
have gathered from the wild places, like bird skulls, feathers, bones, spiders webs, the discarded bits of animals that have
moved from whtever form they inhabited before the died to that form, certain stone entities and wood entities, specific shells,
and symbolic amulets. All of these kinds of things will call you, and you will collect them. They will be part f your company
of entities and are like familiars but are not the same, for their powers are dormant until they ar fomed as Wards.
You will also need to acquire sealing
Before a Warding, prepare as would
for a Banishing. You will also need to choose whichever of your company of entities you require to create the Ward.
A Ward is an intelligent, elemental
entity (and could be considered a Witch's medicine bundle with a specific purpose). A Ward is always to come back to you (
it is to be left to do its work for a limited cycle only (one lunar month, more or less). You are to tell no oe of what you
are doing, as the Ward, once it is placed, is to remain undisturbed.
You are to bless and consecrate all
things that make up the Ward ( you won't need much; keep it simple), wrap it in cloth or leather, and seal the way into the
package with sealing wax. The Ward will remain active until you break the seal yourself.
You will also require a small piece
of meat. This will be buried on the property and the ward will remain active while the meat decomposes. It will feed the Ward.
You are to ascertain that you scent
is on both the package and the meat, so rub them both with your hands before you leave them at the site.
You will create the Ward beforehand
in your own home, within a cast circle. On the night of the Warding, cleanse with intent of purification and seal your orifics
with consecrated water. Take your athame and a bottle of concecrated water, as well as a packet of ordinary table salt. You
will also require a small hand trowel (or a bloddy shovel if the ground is presumed hard!).
You will go once around the property
or the area casting a circle of protection. You will repeat the encircling with the consecrated water, and go around a third
time sprinkling a fine circle of salt.
All is to be done with focus and
intent. You are to be really clear about who you want to keep out!
You will summon the entity, that
is, the accumulative of all things within the Ward, to come out into the area of protection (these entities, once released,
are never small, I warn you, but they are lovely; they are your creatures!). You will then bury the Ward very well and very
secretively, placing a rock over the spot if possible to dissuade any passing beastie from digging it up. You'll bury its
food close by ( ditto with another rock).
Then cut a zone into the circle with
your athame allowing those in alliance with the person you are assisting to come and to, but you will seal it with a Banishing
Pentagram of Earth.
Then you leave. You are to tell the
person you are assisting that you have set up protections for a certain duration only, and that you will return to remove
them when the allotted time is up. They are to understand this and to agree to do whatever they must, in that time sequence,
to prevent further dysfunction.
At the appointed time, you are to
return to the site and dig up your Ward, summoning the entity back to you. You will then return home, break the seal, and
put the bits back in their usual places, where they will remain dormant (which is their current, natural state).