The Circles Of Light And Dark/Balance
Consider for a moment what life could
be like for both yourself and the Earth on which we dwell if you could see and understand the patterns of change, in their
cyclic entirety, without getting caught up in concepts of time and personalization. I recommend reflection on the circular
rather than the linear. Consider that all things in the known universe revolve around each other in everwidening patterns,
eternally and infinitely, from the smallest to the vastest, to the furthest reaches of revolution.
Think about this riddle. "When does
zero become one? Think about it hard.You will be given the answer, of necessity, because you cannot think about it, and come
up with a different answer after consideration of this most simple riddle, one through which your thoughts will learn new
clarity, one that requires answering in truth, as there can only be one answer,"Never". Zero is going to remain zero forever.
One is going to remain one forever. They can only and forever relate to each other; they can never be each other. If you contemplate
this you will come to understand that all numbers (and they are considered sacred for good reasons, but that's another story)
are posible when considering zero, and as such, zero remains infinitely pregnant with possibility. There is no such thing
as nothing the greatest and the smallest, are merely relative to each other, and, therefore, reflect each other always.
Light and Dark are to be considered
in the same context. Light could be considered infinite in its possibilities, as could Darkness. One can see Light only in
relativity to Darkness. The Positive, attractive, and expansive force of not only your own soul, but also of the Universe,
can be truly understood only if one takes the time to consider the Negative, contracting, or the circles of Light and Dark.