Heathen's Master book of write Book 1

Deities from around the world 5

The History and Meaning of Celtic Design & Art
The witches candle
The witches familiar
Types Of Wicca
Color meanings
Who is the God
Who is the Goddess
The Rede of the Wiccae
The Art of Hypnotism, Self Hypnosis and Hypnotizing others
The Circles Of Light And Dark/Balance
The Descent of Inanna
Guidelines on witchcraft
How to remember your past lives
Hoe to see the spirit world
Magic by ecology
medicine and magic
Nine paths of union
Four week fast
Earth magic
Elemental couldron
Fith Fathing
Broom lore and superstition
Butterfly medicine
World religions
Woman of the woods
History on Witchcraft
Types of wicca
Invocations and summoning
Hexes and Curses
World Calendar
World Calendar 2
Deities from around the world 6
Dieties from around the world 2
Deities from around the world 3
Deities from around the world 4
Deities from around the world 5
Deities from around the world 1
Dream Magick
Candle magic
Binding and Banishing
Astral Projection
Altar Setup
Reivings, Banishings, And Wards:Practicalities
Song of the Goddess

Be Careful what you ask for

The Gods and Goddess of Finnish-Ugrian Places

Finnish religious leaders were usually called shamans.  The shamans did magick, conjuration, incantations and spells to control men, animals, divine or demonic entities and inanimate beings.  It was a privilege to be a shaman.  Only the highest grade of sorcerer was allowed to use a drum and raise spirits.

The Finno-Ugric races honored acestors, worshpped a variety of spirits and believed firmly in magick and sorcery.  They believed in personal and Nature gods.  Ilmatar was viewed as a Creator Goddess while Mielikki was called Mistress of the Forest.  Ancient chants still used among the Finns call upon the spirits of Nature for help.  Wild forst animals were considered the herds and property of teh woodland God Tapio and his gorgeous wife.  Because of this, before any hunt, prayers and offerings had to be given.  If a bear were killed, the hunter would ask for forgiveness of the dead bear and ask its spirit to join in the feast and celebration.

The Gods and Goddesses

Other Names:  Ahti.
Description:  Chief god of waters and seas.  Husband of Vellamo.
Rules Over:  Water, sea.

Other Names:  Maa-Emoinen, Mader-Akka, Rauni.
Description:  Earth Mother, Goddess of the harvest and feminine sexuality. Wife of Ukko.
Rules Over:  Harvest, fertility, earth magick.

Description:  Group of evil spirit that worked with Lempo and Paha.
Rules Over:  Evil, skilled sorcerers, necromancers, spells, sacred drums, trance, chanting.

Description:  God of air.  Father of Ilmatar.
Rules Over: Air.

Other Names:  Lounnotar.
Description:  Virgin daughter of Air, Sky Mother, Water Mother, Creatress Goddess, Daughter of Nature, Mother of the Waters.
Rules Over: Immense powers.

Description:  God smith who forged the mysterious, powerful talisman Sampo.
Rules Over:  Smiths, magick, talismans, prosperity.

Other Names:  Mader-Atcha.
Description:  Creator God, originally probably a sky god.
Rules Over:  Sky, thunder, weather, twilight, dusk.

Description: Goddess of Death.  Daughter of Tuoni and Tuonetar.
Rules Over:  Death.

Description:  Goddess of Illness.  Daughter of Tuoni.
Rules Over:  Illness.

Description:  Moon Goddess.

Description:  Bear God.
Rules Over:  Luck in hunting, protection from injuries.

Description:  Goddess of sorcery, evil, dark magick.
Rules Over:  Sorcery, evil, dark magick.

Description:  Daughter Goddess of Tuoni and Tuonetar.  Diseases came to be from her union with the Wind.
Rules Over:  Plagues, all evil.

Description:  Goddess of the Forest.  Wife of Tapio and mother of Tuulikki and Nyyrikki.  Protectress of woodland animals.  Goddess of the Hunt.
Rules Over:  Bears, hunting, animals, archery, abundant grain.

Mother of Metsola
Description:  Forest Goddess.
Rules Over:  Forest.

Description:  Samoyed sky god.
Rules Over:  Sky.

Description:  Vogul sky god who created all animals.
Rules Over:  Animals.

Description:  Sun God.
Rules Over:  Sun.

Description:  God of fields, trees and plants.
Rules Over:  Fields, trees, plants, harvest, fertility.

Other Names:  Maan-Eno, Ravdna, Roonikka.
Descriptoin:  Forest Mother, Thunder Goddess.  One of the most powerful deities and wife of thunder.
Rules Over:  Childbirth, ease from pain.

Description:  God of water and woods.  Husband of Mielikki, father of Nyyrikki and Tuulikki.  Wore a fir hat and moss cloak.
Rules Over:  Abundance of game.

Description:  Lord of Tuonela/Manala (underworld).
Rules Over: Death.

Description:  God of the sky and air, Supreme God, highest of gods.
Rules Over:  Clouds, rains, thunder, help with the impossible.

Description:  "Old woman of the dead."  Has charge of the underworld.
Rules Over:  Underworld.



The Gods and Goddesses of Africa

Most African cultures, if not all, believe in a Supreme Creator in one form or another.  A God behind the Gods, a Supreme God who created everything.  The Creator is thought to have once lived on Earth, but left it for His Kingdom in the Sky because of human infractions.  Because he was no longer in direct contact with the people, Lesser Gods were created directly from His power to do certain jobs that were given to them.  These Lesser Gods are the Gods of Earth, The Rains, Water, The Winds, Fire, etc.  The Deities are capable of answering human prayers by use of their own power and can intercede on man's behalf with the Creator Himself.  Although The Supreme Creator is usually referred to by him etc. it is beyond sex, being both male and female.  It has no form and is thought of in an abstract way.  It is available to any human, regardless of their position.  A breath of Its Divine Being is within all animate and inanimate things.

It is known as Mulungu (East Africa), Leza (Central Africa), Nyambe (West Tropics), Nyame (Ghana), the Molder, Giver of Breath and Souls, God of Destiny, One Who Exists of Himself, God of Pity and Comfort, the Inexplicable, Ancient of Days, the One Who Bends Even Kings, the One You Meet Everywhere, etc.

Among many tribes, the creation of the Earth took four days.  The fifth day was reserved for worshipping the Orisha Nla (Chief of the Deities), who actually created the Earth with the instruction and aid of the Supreme Creator.  The Orisha Nla was also given the task of creating bodies out of clay.  When this was complete the Supreme Creator secretly placed the spark of life within the forms.  These newly created humans were then placed on the Earth to live.

The Gods and Goddesses

Other Names: "God in the sky", God on Earth", Creator God, River God.
Location: The Lugbara of Zaire and Uganda.
Description:  He is pictured as tall and white with only half of his body visible.
Rules Over:  Social order, law, death.

Location:  The Turkana of Kenya.
Rules Over: Divination.

Other Names: Ale, Ane.
Location: The Ibo of Nigeria.
Description:  Extremely popular Goddess and Earth Mother. She is a Creator Goddess and Queen of the Dead.
Rules Over:  Community laws, morality, oaths, harvest.

Location: The Temne.
Description: River demon.
Rules Over: Wealth.

Other Names:  Father God, "the strong lord."
Location: Akamba of Kenya.
Rules Over:  Mercy, help, surviving the impossible.

Other Names: Yaa, Aberewa, Efua, "Old Woman Earth."
Location:  The Ashanti of West Africa.
Description:  Goddess of creation of humans and receiver of them at death.
Rules Over:  Cultivation, harvest.

Location:  West Africa.
Description: Fish God.

Location:  South Central Africa among the Bushman.
Description:  Creator God.
Rules Over: Sorcery and Shape-Shifting.

Other Names:  Mulengi, Mwenco, Wamtatakuya Tumbuka.
Description:  Creator God, Rain God.  Is self-created and omniscient.
Rules Over:  Rain, help, plant growth, food.

Other Names:  Chineke.
Location:  The Ibo of East Nigeria.
Description:  "The first great cause", "Creator", Father of Ale, The Earth Goddess.  Offerings and sacrifices were done for him in groves.
Rules Over:  Help, goodness.

Location:  Dahomey.
Description:  Snake God.  Rainbow Snake shown with tail in his mouth.
Rules Over: Wholeness, unity.

Other Names:  Parsai, Emayian.
Location:  Masai.
Description:  Sky God.  Grass is used in rituals for him.
Rules Over:  Rain, vegetation, blessings.

Location:  Dahomey.
Rules Over: Destiny.

Location: Guinea.
Rules Over:  Protection, health, fertility.

Other Names:  Gawa, Gawama.
Location: Among the Bushmen.
Description:  Leads the spirits of the deceased.
Rules Over:  Disruption, harassment, death.

Location: Dahomey.
Description:  Moon God.

Location:  The Fon of West Africa.
Rules Over:  War, smiths.

Location:  Gambia.
Description:  Evil God.  Meteors are his sign.
Rules Over:  Power and death over enemies.

Location:  The Hottentots.
Description:  Sorcerer God.
Rules Over:  Shape-shifting, magick.

Other Names:  Hategekimana, Hashakimana, Habyarimana, Ndagijimana, Bigirimana, "Almighty God."
Location:  The Banyarwands.
Rules Over:  Power, goodness, children, planning.

Other Names: Eka Obasi, Obasi Nsi, Ibibio, Ekoi.
Location:  West Africa.
Description:  Tortoise-shelled Goddess.
Rules Over: Fertility of the Earth.

Other Names:  Jok Odudu, Alur.
Location:  Uganda and Zaire.
Description:  Black goats were to be sacrificed to him when rain was needed.
Rules Over:  Rain.

Other Names:  Shilluk, Supreme God.
Location:  White Nile.
Description:  Created all men on Earth.

Other Names:  Nyami.
Location:  The Volta areas.
Description:  He brought souls to the Supreme God.

Other Names:  Lissoddene, Kagingo, Ssewannaku, Lugaba, Ssebintu, Nnyiniggulu, Namuginga, Ssewaunaku, Gguluddene, Namugereka.
Location:  The Ganda of East Africa.
Descriptiojn:  Creator God.
Rules Over:  Help, Judgment, aid when the odds are against you, control over spirits, divination, oracles.

Location:  The Nuer of South Sudan.
Description:  Great Spirit God.
Rules Over:  Nature, help, compassion, judgement.

Location:  Dahomey.
Description:  Chameleon God/dess.
Rules Over:  Protection, divination.

Mbaba Mwana Waresa
Location:  The Zulu of Natal.
Description:  Goddess of what she rules over.
Rules Over:  Rainbows, rain, crops, cultivation, beer.

Location:  Dahomey.
Description: Supreme Goddess, creator of all things.  Mawu is worshipped by The Fon of Benin in West Africa as a Moon Goddess and creatrix of everything.

Location:  Macouas of Zambesi, Banayis.
Description:  Supreme God, creator of everything.
Rules Over:  Agriculture, architecture, the harvest.

Location:  Giryama of Kenya.
Description: Rain God.
Rules Over: Rain.

Other Names:  The Rainbow Snake.
Location:  Masai of Kenya.
Description:  An Evil Storm God who was linked to the rainbow.  Resided in the clouds and was a dreaded spirit.
Rules Over:  Storms.

Location:  Masai.
Description:  Creator God.
Rules Over:  Life and Death.

Description:  Moon Goddess.

Location:  Lele.
Description:  Creator God.
Rules Over:  Protection, justice, help, forests, fertility.

Location:  Koko of Nigeria.
Description:  God.
Rules Over:  Restoring Life.

Other Names:  Nyambe.
Location:  The Barotse of Upper Zambesi.
Description: Gread God.  Creator of everything.

Location:  The Twi of West Africa.
Description:  Great God who prepared the soul to be reborn on the physical plane and gave out its fate.
Rules Over:  Fate.

Nyamia Ama
Location:  Senegal.
Description:  God of storms, rain and lightning.  A sky god.
Rules Over: Storms, rain, lightning.

Location:  The Bankongo of the Congo.
Description:  Great Goddess who created everything.  She played the role of Justice and rewarded and punished according to the deeds of man.
Rules Over:  Justice.

Description:  Santeria river goddess.

Location:  Yoruba.
Description:  Santeria Goddess of the rainbow.

Location:  Yoruba.
Description:  Primary Mother Goddess.

Other Names:  Ogoun.
Location:  The Nago and Yoruba of West Africa.
Description:  God of iron and warfare.
Rules Over:  Iron, warfare, removing difficulties, smoothing the path to a desired result, Justice, Smiths, Hunters, Barbers, Goldsmiths, Steel.

Other Names:  Olofin-Orun, Olodumare.
Location:  Yoruba.
Description:  Sky God.
Rules Over:  Truth, control of the Elements, Forsight, Victory when the odds are against you, Destiny.

Location: Agni.
Description:  Son of the Earth.
Rules Over:  Cultivation.

Location:  The Serer of Gambia.
Description:  Sky god, controlled the weather.
Rules Over:  Rain, Thunder, Lightning.

Other Names:  Ruhanga, Kazooba, Mukameiguru.
Location:  Ankore of Uganda.
Description:  Creator God, Sun God, Sky God.
Rules Over:  Life, healing, death, sickness, judgement.

Location:  Banyoro.
Description:  Great God.
Rules Over:  Fertility, abundance, children, animals, harvest, health, sickness, death, judgement, rebirth.

Location:  Agni of Guinea.
Description:  God who is strongest during the main phases of the Moon.  Swift to punish wrongful deeds.
Rules Over:  Medicine, justice, retribution.

Other Names: Schango.
Location:  Yoruba of Nigeria.
Description:  Carries a double-headed axe much like the nordic Thorr.
Rules Over:  Thunder, Storm, War, Magick.

Location:  Nupe of north Nigeria.
Description:  Creator God.
Rules Over:  Control of the Elements, Witchcraft, Communication with the Deceased.

Location:  Mozambique.
Description:  Sky God.
Rules Over: Sky, Thunder, Rain.

Other Names:  Nkulnkulu.
Location:  The Amazulu and Ndebele of Zimbabwe.
Description:  Great God, Earth God.
Rules Over:  Fertility, organization, order.

Location:  The Hottentots.
Description:  Sky God who speaks with a voice of thunder.
Rules Over:  Rain, Storms, Thunder, Harvest, Rebirth.

Other Names:  Khakaba, Isaywa.
Location:  Abaluyia, Bantu.
Description:  "The High One".  Sky God, Creator God.
Rules Over:  Rain, storms, lightning, creation, prosperity, harvest, celestial phenomena.

Location:  Luo of Kenya.
Description:  Great God, Father God, Creator God.
Rules Over:  Birth, Death, Nature, Judgement.

White Lady
Location:  Tassali of the Sahara.
Description:  Agricultural Goddess.
Rules Over:  Agriculture, fertility.

Location:  West Africa.
Description:  He used a thunder axe.
Rules Over:  Thunder, rain, fertility.

Location:  Yoruba.
Description:  River Goddess.
Rules Over:  Women, children.



The Gods and Goddesses of China

To the Chinese, creation was an act of bringing order out of chaos.  One myth tells of two beings, Hu (emperor of the northern sea) and Shu (emperor of the southern sea) who met quite a lot on the territory of the emperor of the center, Hun-tun.  Hun-tun was unusual because he did not have any orifices for seeing, hearing, eating or breathing.  Hu and Shu decided to fix Hu-tun at the rate of one orifice a day, they created openings for Hun-tun.  Hun-tun (Chaos) died on the seventh day.  At his death, the world came into existence.  The combined names of Shu and Hu mean lightning.  When lightning or an illumination of Light falls upon Chaos, life is created.  The 7 openings are also linked in Chinese thought with the mystical seven openings of the heart, the mark of a righteous man.

A story of the creation of humanity tells the myth of the Goddess Nu-kua.   Even after Heaven and Earth were split, there were still no humans.  Nu-kua modeled some out of yellow earth, but soon got tired of this process.  Then she dipped a rope into the mud and dragged it around so drops fell off.  Traditionally it is said that those beings she modeled became the noble and rich, while the drops became the humble and the poor.

The Gods and Goddesses

Description:  The 4 dragon kings named Ao Ch'in, Ao Kuang, Ao Jun and Ao Shun.  Each was responsible for a part of Earth and an area of sea.  During droughts, teh dragon kings were worshipped with noisy parades of music and dance which followed a cloth effigy of a dragon.  Every stream and river had its own Ao.

Other Names:  Heng-o.
Description:  Goddess of the Moon and wife of I.

Description:  God of walls and ditches.  Each town/village had its own local Ch'eng-Huang.
Rules Over:  Protection, justice.

Other Names:  Chih Nu
Description:  Goddess of spinners, weavers and clouds.
Rules Over:  Handcrafts, rain.

Description:  Guardian God.  T'ang dynasty military hero elevated to the job of guarding doors.
Rules Over:  Protection, privacy.

Description:  Goddess of the bedroom and sexual delights.
Rules Over:  Sex.

Description:  God of fire and executions.
Rules Over:  Justice, revenge, death.

Description:  God who chases away evil spirits and shape-shifter who had up to 72 different bodily forms.  Widely worshipped.
Rules Over:  Protection from evil.

Description:  Goddess of winds.
Rules Over:  Storms, moisture.

Other Names:  Fu-Hsing.
Description:  God of happiness, symbolized by the bat.
Rules Over:  Destiny, love, success.

Description:  Ancient harvest God.  Depicted as a kindly old man with millet stalks growing on his head.
Rules Over:  Harvest, crops.

Hsi Wang Mu
Other Names:  Wang-Mu Niang-Niang, Weiwobo.
Description:  Highest Goddess of ancient China.  Her palace iss in the Khun-lun mountain where she protects the herb of immortality. 
Rules Over:  Curing disease.

Description:  Ruler of Water, God who removes evil spirits and demons.
Rules Over:  Exorcism.

Other Names:  Hou-T'u
Description:  Female deity Earth.  The Emperor offered sacrifices to her on a square marble altar in the Forbidden City each summer solstice.
Rules Over:  Earth magick, fertility.

Description:  God of wine who invented winemaking.
Rules Over:  Wine.

Kuan Ti
Description:  God of war and fortunetelling.  Shown dressed in green and had a red face.
Rules Over:  Protection, valor, justice, divination, revenge, death, dark magick, prophecy.

Kuan Yin
Other Names:  Kwan Yin, Kwannon.
Description:  Great Mother, patroness of priestesses.  Sometime depicted holding a child.  It is thought this Goddess sits on her paradise island of P'u T'o and answers every prayer to her.
Rules Over:  Success, mercy, purification, fertility, children, motherhood, childbirth, healing, enlightenment.

Other Names:  Chung-Kuei.
Description:  Protector of travelers.  God of tests and examinations, literature and students.
Rules Over:  Protection during travel, tests, literature, students.

Lan Ts'ai-Ho
Description:  One of the 8 Immortals of ancient China, this Goddess dressed as a woman but had a male voice.  Carried a flute and basket of fruit.
Rules Over:  Music, fertility.

Description:  The Jade Emperor.  "Father Heaven."

Other Names:  Lei-Kung.
Description:  God of thunder and retribution, he had few shrines.  Shown as an ugly man with blue skin, wings and claws, clad in a loincloth.  He punished the guilty that human law did not touch.
Rules Over:  Justice, punishment.

Lo Shen
Description:  Goddess of rivers.
Rules Over:  Water magick.

Description:  God of pay and employees.  Symbol was a deer which he rode on.
Rules Over:  Prosperity, success, law, employment.

Other Names:  Lupan.
Description:  God of carpenters and masons.
Rules Over:  Artistic abilities, fame.

Description:  Goddess of springtime.
Rules Over:  Spring rites.

Men Shen
Description:  Two deities who warded the door against evil spirits and hostile influences.  One had a red or black face, the other a white face.  They both wore military dress, holding a long-handled mace.
Rules Over:  Protection.

Meng-Po Niang Niang
Description:  Goddess who lived just inside the door to hell where those reincarnating would depart.  Her sacred potion, of which she gave a few drops to each departing person, made all humans forget previous lives.
Rules Over: Passing over rites, past-lives.

Nu Kua
Description:  Creator Goddess who made humankind.
Rules Over:  Creation.

Description:  Goddess of droughts.
Rules Over:  Droughts.

Description:  Goddess of prostitutes.
Rules Over:  Prostitution.

Pi-Hsia Yuan Chin
Description:  Goddess of childbirth and labor, she brings health and good fortune to the newborn and protection to the mother.
Rules Over:  Protection, good fortune, health, childbirth, labor.

Sao-Ts'ing Niang
Description:  Goddess of the clouds.
Rules Over:  Ending droughts.

Other Names:  Sakyamuni.
Description:  Historical Buddha.
Rules Over:  Virtue, enlightenment, self-realization.

Description:  The Supreme God.

Shen Nung
Description:  God of medicine, pharmacy, agriculture.
Rules Over:  Medicine, pharmacy, agriculture.

Other Names:  Shou, Lao.
Description:  God of longevity and old people, keeper of the book of the life-span of men.  Shown with a prominent bald head with white eyebrows and whiskers.  A stag beside him, he leaned on a staff and carried a peach, symbol of immortality.
Rules Over:  Life plan, date of death, reincarnation.

Description:  God who defends men against all evil and forgives sins.
Rules Over:  Averting evil.

Other Names:  Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti.
Description:  God of the affairs of men, protector of men and animals.
Rules Over:  Children, fortune, honors, fate, animals, payment of good and bad karma, prosperity, success.

Other Names:  Tien Fei.
Description:  Protectress of sailors and others in time of danger.
Rules Over:  Protection.

Description:  God who bestows happiness.
Rules Over:  Happiness.

Description:  Goddess of lightning.
Rules Over:  Lightning.

Description:  God who grants remission of sins.

Description:  God of mercy, he visited those in Hell and tried to arrange for a good reincarnation.  Depicted as a smiling robed monk with a halo around his body and carried a pearl that gave off light.
Rules Over:  Knowledge for reincarnation.

Description:  Goddess of the polestar and record-keeper; scribe of the Immortals.  Judge of all peoples.
Rules Over:  Stars, records, writing, judgement.

Tsai Shen
Other Names:  Ts'ai-Shen
Description: God of wealth, most popular chinese god.  Shown dressed in exquisite silks.
Rules Over:  Abundance, success.

Other Names:  Tsao-Chun.
Description:  Kitchen god, god of the hearth.  Protector of families and recorder of the actions and words of each family.  His wife recorded the behavior of women in particular.  He gave his report to the Jade Emperor who then determined the family's coming fortunes.

Other Names:  Tsi Ku Niang.
Description:  Goddess of the outhouse.  It is said that when a woman wanted to know the future, she went to the outhouse and asked Tsi-Ku.
Rules Over:  Outhouses, divination.

Other Names:  Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti.
Description:  God of literature and poetry.
Rules Over:  Writing, publishing, artistic fame.

Description:  "Master of healing."
Rules Over:  Psychic abilities, healing powers.

Description:  FOremost of the ten Yama Kings of Lords of Death.  Ruler of hell.  He decided the fate of all new arrivals, determining if they went to a special court for trial, were punished or sent straight back to the Wheel of Life.
Rules Over:  Judgment, punishment, karmic justice.



Where instinct is wiser...